Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I've lost my will to Tease...Oh, wait! Here it is!!

So, if you weren't here last week, we've moved on from THE UNKNOWN and wandered off THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS.

A little scene set-up: After a harrowing first day at school, Jacki decides that Simon St. Croix and his friends Maddy and Mari Calpher are definitely not the kind of friends she wants. She doesn't know what it is about them yet, she just knows that she needs to stay as far away from them as possible. That doesn't last long though...

***snip, snip! You guys rock!***


  1. Yayyy I've missed this. Write more now please lol you have no sick excuse!!

  2. Oh no, I want to know what happened to the sister. This is a great set-up! Liked the interaction with Simon as well and her thoughts on her locker.

  3. fist, I love your title for Teaser Tuesday LOL

    This is intriguing. So many questions!!! I could totally hear eerie music cutting through the scene at the end. I want to know what does HE know!?

  4. Very suspicious...great teaser! I totally want to know more! :D

  5. Oh, this is good. Definately wanted to read more.

  6. I'm hooked, definitely want to know what's going on. Great voice.

  7. Is it wrong that I find Simon soooo intriguing???LOL

    Love this, and love the voice. I like how you've let us sympathize with a girl who wants to be tough...but isn't really. Nice work


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