Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May's Reading Menagerie

It's the end of the month, folks, and you know what that means.  Yep, reading list time :)

  • THE HUNT by Andrew Fukuda ... YA Paranormal ARC   you can find my review here
  • INSURGENT by Veronica Roght ... YA Dystopian  the sequel to DIVERGENT.  this was a little quieter at the beginning but boy did it pack a punch during the middle and end. great read.
  • MEMOIRS AREN'T FAIRYTALES by Marni Mann ... Contemporary/Literary  a gritty tale of addiction that will leave you aching
  • DEADLOCKED by Charlaine Harris ... Paranormal   book #12 in the Sookie Stackhouse series.  eh...not a fantastic read, but fan of the series will not be (completely) dissappointed
  • THE FAULT IN OUR STARS by John Green ... YA Contemporary/Literary   Cancer kids find love. GUH. Green has a way of just ripping your heart on one page than then making you laugh your f***ing a** off on the next. 
  • IN A FIX by Linda Grimes ... Urban Fantasy ARC  fantastic debut novel here (expected release date: Sept 4, on this blog sometime in August) 
  • SOMETHING ABOUT WITCHES by Joey W. Hill ... Adult Paranormal Romance  not the best Hill book I've read, but some familiar characters make a cameo appearance, which I enjoyed seeing.
  • FIFTY SHADES OF GREY by EL James ... Adult Romance  With so much hype surrounding this book, I was not only roped into buying the first book in the series but all three, thinking that they'd be awesome reading.  I was so wrong, friends.  This was so NOT an awesome read.  I really, really disliked it and not because of the BDSM element.  There was just so much I disliked about this book that I can't even begin to list all the wrongness found within these pages.
  • FIFTY SHADES DARKER by EL James ... Adult Romance   So, if I disliked the first book so much, you're probably wondering why I read the second, huh?  Well first, I bought the bundle and felt the need to get the most out of my money.  I doubt I'll further the torture by reading the third book. never know.  Second, I felt this need to find out an answer to one of the questions that plagued me through the first book.  Yes, I got my answer here, but I'm left wondering if all that hassle was worth my time, effort, and above all my money.
That's it for me this month, folks.  Read anything on this list?  If so, what did you think?  Also, what are you reading?  Anything I might be interested in?  Do share:)


  1. Awww. I made the list! Wheee! :D

    I haven't read DEADLOCKED yet. Honestly? I'm kind of afraid to. I've enjoyed that series so much--I don't want to feel the letdown.

  2. you've picked up that reading groove, again. well done!

  3. Fifty Shades - I haven't even read it, but everything I've heard about it makes me want to puke. LOVED Fault and I have Insurgent sitting in my big bad pile.

    If you want to read Night Beach, let me know, I can mail it to you after my friend is done. I got kind of a good deal from - 10$ off 40$ of books, so altogether I got some cool Aussie reads for 10$ each.


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