Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Teaser Tuesday Guest Post: INTERRED

Have you read INTERRED by the lovely Marilyn Almodovar?  Well, what are you waiting for? Go buy it! Now!!!!

If that sales pitch didn't get you to buying, here's a little character profile on Moira, one of INTERRED's kickass characters.

10 Things You Don’t Know about Moira

  1. Moira is the daughter of the leader of the Scottish Council.
  2. She moved to England after the birth of her daughter, Annabel, and then became a full time member of the English Council.
  3. Moira was in a relationship with a married man, the father of Annabel and Sydney, which lasted until ten years before Interred starts.
  4. One of Moira’s amazing abilities is the ability to create a protection shield around her and others.
  5. Moira has been in a relationship with Morgan for the past six years.
  6. David Gainsborough is Moira’s third cousin twice removed.
  7. She’s deeply proud of her Scottish roots, and claims to be a descendant of 
  8. William Wallace.
  9. She majored in History and Literature at Trinity College, Cambridge.
  10. Moira doesn’t drive.  But…
  11. She’s a qualified airplane pilot. 
Want to win a copy of INTERRED?  Click here.


  1. Hey! I just happen to know that you can bid on a signed copy of Interred during the Pens for Paws Auction this week! ;)

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Karla!!

    Hi Angelica!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Moira sounds like a fascinating character! INTERRED has a great, cover, too. Thanks for telling us about it.


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