Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hopelessly Addicted to TEASING....

Felix is playing hide and seek with me. And, damn is that little bastard good! I cannot find him. Come out. Come out, where ever you are.

Ahhh, well. No knife-wielding garden gnomes this week. No pink parasol twirling poltergeists either for that matter...or yellow polka dotted yetis...or even singing sawdust fairies. **sigh**

That's right, peeps. I'm going the normal, teen life route with my shiny new WIP, tentatively titled A SLIVER OF HOPE.


***thanks for all your feedback guys!***


  1. New to this whole teasing thing, but I love this snippet! Makes me want to keep reading :)

  2. I really like the second person.

  3. Wow, intense! And, yeah, the second person realy works well here! You've got me hooked!

  4. Aw pumpkin. I just love this. It's making me sad again. I'm editing your next chap now. Yayyyy

  5. That was so intense!! My eyes welled up at this; You were beautiful. You were this bright and shining creature with your whole life ahead of you.
    You were everything I’d ever wanted to be.

    I want to read more and more.

  6. Oh, wow. There's so much I could say about this (and they're all good, rest assured), but...I'm in shock. I didn't see THAT coming! I thought-but-I thought--oh my gosh!



    I feel so bad for your main character. My heart aches for people who actually have had to go through this. I'm kind of hoping it's one big prank, but I'm not sure how someone would pull this off.

    Anyway, I can't wait to find out more.

  7. Very intense, hooking me deeper with every word. Yet so heartbreaking too.

  8. This is so heartwrenching :( Good job!

  9. Awwwwwww Can I haz more????? Loved it! Great Snip!! :D

  10. Man, this is really deep. As in, really, really deep. I really didn't see that coming. I thought Hope left or she had new friends or something. Certainly not that.

  11. Excellent choice with second person here. Well done.


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