Tuesday, March 30, 2010

There is only one word for what I do best...well, most anyway: TEASE

A little scene set up: This comes shortly after last week's snip in which Jacki finds a very irritable little man in her bathroom. Here is just one more layer of craziness and by the end of this scene, she's pretty sure she's ready for a padded room

***Thanks for all your comments guys! I really appreciate you stopping by and showing your love!***


  1. Ahahaah I love the picture. I just love him so much, he's so cocky and makes me laugh at loud at how oblivious he is to how crazy he looks.

  2. omg what does that mean?! Great way to end the teaser. Loved it!

  3. LMFAO! I want a gard--AHEM--guardian gnome! :D LOVE this! <3

  4. the trauma of being assaulted by an irate midget <-- From here i'm hooked and giggling. I love it

  5. This was quirky and funny---the cocky little gnome cracks me up! And man, I would be srsly traumatized by stumbling inot my bathroom to see THAT first thing in the morning--EEEEEK! :D

  6. The garden/guardian gnome idea is hilarious. Very cool!

  7. You know, if you keep posting such awesome teasers, I'll quickly run out of words to describe how much I love them! But I really liked this teaser. My favorite line was: Sitting on the toilet, pants around his ankles, and my Seventeen magazine open in front of him is the angry little gnome from my dreams last night.

    Something about a Guardian gnome reading Seventeen magazine makes me laugh.

    Great tease!

  8. LMAO!! Best tease ever! The most unlikely tag-team heroes - a clueless witch and a pissed-off gnome. Sorry, guardian. Felix Findersnoop lmao!

  9. "Jabbing a stubby finger into my shin..."

    LOL! Great tease. I always think teases are a shrewd move - not too much to deter reader & not enough to satisfy. Way to keep us wanting more!

  10. LMAO! He was sitting on the toilet with her mag! Yuck---but funny! I love his attitude and the way your MC handles him. :D


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