Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Here's another one from A SLIVER OF HOPE. Enjoy!

**snippy, snippy! thanks for all the love you guys!!**


  1. Yayy pumpkin. I just love this scene. I am editing while I look up Danneel/Jensen wedding photos. So I'm just a sobbing mess. Christ. It's funny in the really pathetic way.

  2. This was very well done. It caught me from the very beginning. It answered my questions as they surfaced. Caught me right from the start. Can't wait to read this. I want to know more about Glory and Hannah and even Doug.

    I am hooked.

  3. Jack Daniels is no one's friend. LOL She's not nearly as annoyed as I would be if a drunk friend climbed in my window! I like how the beginning sounds like a letter.

  4. The whole snippet was great but I have a crush on the first line. Sounds like my mom, hehe.

  5. HAHA, I liked the whole, "Would I be climbing in your window sober!" LOL. Man, lot of emotion in this snippet. Poor Hannah. And Glory sounds like an awesome character.

  6. "Sometimes, Glory was like a tornado, speeding in and out so quickly you’d never know she’d been there if not for the path of destruction left in her wake." <-- awesome line. Grabbed me right from the start :) I liked "How long before you disappear altogether?" too. As usual, you've got an awesome voice going on, and snappy dialogue!

  7. Nice characters in this, very distinct. Also very smooth writing, like very natural

  8. I was so engaged while I read this. Love the humour and how it so quickly becomes sadness. Very poignant. Amazing tease!

  9. Love the first line!! Also lol about good old Jack!

  10. I loved this scene. Lots of emotions rolled into it. <3

  11. Aw, WOW! This scene just totally blew me away. This story always hooks me! :D


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